Our responsibility

27 December 2021

Reconnect to nature

As a society, we are becoming more and more digitally connected. Yet, we feel increasingly disconnected. Many of us have lifestyles where we spend most of our time indoors and experience nature through artificial representations. When we lose our connection with nature, we also lose contact with ourselves.

By forming bonds with the natural world, we can experience the connection between all living things and understand how they depend on each other. Just as flowers, plants, and vegetables grow, so do we. And when people are in harmony with nature, we tend to live and act more sustainably, have healthier lifestyles, and contribute to the world around us.

Regardless of if it’s for the first time, at the end of a stressful week, or after hours of screen time, Nelson Garden can help anyone reconnect to nature.


We are committed

The world we live in is under pressure. We are facing inequality and loss of biodiversity, and global warming threatens the very existence of human life on the planet. At Nelson Garden, we are committed to contributing to a better world and being part of the solution. We have defined five focus areas where we can have the greatest impact and where we have opportunities to do better.

Our focus areas are:

Reduced Climate Impact: Aiming to follow Carbon Law and halving greenhouse emissions every decade from 2020 to 2050.

Circular Systems and Sustainable Materials: Taking responsibility for the entire life cycle of our products and closing the loops.

Increasing Biodiversity: We want to protect biodiversity, for example by promoting seeds that contribute to greater biodiversity and cultural heritage.

Sustainable Value Chain: Offering products that are produced under fair conditions and used in responsible ways.

Healthier Communities and Lifestyles: Contributing to inclusive societies, personal health and quality of life, by providing opportunities to grow.


Our management system is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 for the sale and distribution of consumer packaged garden products to stores in the Nordic market.

See the certificate.

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Nelson Garden’s sustainability, environmental and quality policy

Nelson Garden is committed to providing products and services of the right quality and with the lowest possible environmental and climate impact in order to preserve and protect the environment. Nelson Garden will comply with all applicable legislation and internal and external requirements regarding the environment, the climate, quality and social responsibility.

Reduced climate impact
We will use energy more efficiently and use renewable energy sources.

Circular systems and sustainable raw materials
We will follow the waste hierarchy and prevent waste from occurring in the first place.
We will increase the percentage of recycled materials, increase the reuse and recycling of our products and strive to phase out non-renewable materials.

Enhanced biodiversity
We will help our consumers so that they contribute to conserving and enhancing biodiversity.

Sustainable value chain (from supplier to customer)
Our products and services will be produced in decent working conditions and in a responsible manner.

Healthy communities and lifestyles
We will raise awareness of how gardening has a positive impact on our health, our society and our planet.

In summary
Continuously improve the way we manage sustainability, environmental and quality issues in our processes to provide a positive impact on Nelson Garden’s business and for our stakeholders.

leafs_double_new.svgWhistleblower service

This is where you can report issues of misconduct, maladministration or other serious incidents that have occurred within your organisation.

In December 2021, a new law came into force – the so-called Whistleblower Act (SFS 2021:890). The law is a tightening of previous legislation in this area. The purpose of the act is to facilitate and encourage whistleblowing and strengthen the protection of whistleblowers. Nelson Garden AB has a whistleblower service in Trust&heart. This is a complement to existing channels to report misconduct and irregularities.

Report an incident