How to grow sprouts at home

29 November 2020

Growing sprouts has become popular which is no mystery. The best thing about sprouts is that they are very easy to cultivate, and that they grow so fast. Also, they are full of wonderful substances such as vitamins and minerals!

Growing sprouts can be done all year round on your windowsill. All you need is a sprouting tray and a bag of seeds from, for example, fennel or broccoli. Sprouts are the perfect alternative for anyone who wants to have their own, homegrown, veggies all year round. It is also a great option for those who do not have their own garden at home. There are many different kinds of sprout seeds with their own unique taste; try out anything from mild to peppery sprouts to enhance your meals.

What are sprouts?

Sprouts come from seeds of, for example, cress, beans or lentils. When the seed has access to water, the right temperature and air, this causes the seed to germinate.

Sprouts are the "embryo phase" of plants and are very tasty. They contain large amounts of useful nutrients and have therefore become popular in different parts of the world. The sprout is also easier for the body to digest than in the form of a seed. This in turn makes it easier for the body to absorb, and the nutrients are encapsulated in the seed.

How long does it take to grow sprouts?

How long it takes for the sprouts to germinate and get ready to harvest depends on what kind of sprout you choose to grow. Alfalfa, broccoli and radish sprouts grow quickly and germinates in just a few days, while it can take up to ten days before for example fennel has germinated.

How to grow sprouts, step by step:

1. Pour the sprout seeds or lentils into a sprout box and place the grid on top.


2. Rinse the seeds or lentils several times with water and strain gently through the grid.


3. Soak the seeds or lentils in water and leave in the dark overnight.


4. The next day, pour off all water and rinse the seeds again.

5. After rinsing the seeds, pour off all water again. Place the box in a dark space for 2-3 days - simply covering it with a towel or similar works. A temperature of 20 to 25 degrees is optimal for the seed to germinate and grow in. It is important that you place the seed box on a tray with the grid down so that excess water can drain out. Otherwise there is a risk that the sprouts will start molding. Rinse the sprouts 2-3 times a day.


6. When the sprouts start to shoot out after 2-3 days, set the box in a bright spot, preferably on a windowsill, still at the same temperature. Continue to rinse them 2-3 times a day. The light will now help the sprouts to grow fully and at the same time develop a slightly greener color.


7. When the sprouts have finished growing, you do not need to rinse the sprouts anymore. Instead, you can now turn the sprout box over, having the grid facing upwards, and store the sprouts in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days.
