Contact us

Nelson Garden is today one of the market leaders in the gardening industry, and we want to make it easy for people to garden, whether it's on their balcony, in their home garden or on an allotment.

At Nelson Garden we are committed to taking responsibility by offering sustainably produced and carefully tested, high-quality products. We also want to be a source of inspiration, lend a helping hand and act as a trusted friend. We are determined to provide the support and guidance needed to make the dream of gardening a reality.

You can find our contact details for retailers and consumers below. Please contact us by email or phone with any questions, comments or concerns.


You are welcome to
contact us by email


Contact us
by phone

Phone number:
+49 800 001 01 67


Head office

Nelson Garden, Lokgatan 11
362 31 Tingsryd, Sweden