3 ways to grow parsley

03 August 2021

Parsley is a herb liked by many - and we understand why! With its fresh taste and green color, it makes most dishes come alive. When cultivating parsley, the seeds may be a little slow in the beginning, but once they germinate; parsley is extremely easy to grow!

What you need to know before you grow parsley

When growing parsley it is important to remember that the seeds germinate slowly. Even in warm spring or summer soil, it is not unusual for a month to pass before the first sprouts are visible. Be patient and make sure that the seeds are kept in moist soil - after a couple of weeks you will see the green sprouts!


1. How to grow parsley outdoors

Parsley can be sown all year round - even during winter! The seeds or plants will hibernate and then grow in spring. The best location for parsley is in the sun or in light shade, growing in nutrient-rich soil.

One of the best things about cultivating parsley is that once the seeds have germinated, you will be able to enjoy the harvest for a long time. Parsley is a biennial plant, meaning that the plant completes its lifecycle in two growing seasons. Therefore, if you allow your parsley to bloom, for example in late summer, the plants will bloom and set seeds, and then grow again by the next growing season.  

If cultivated outdoors in, for example, a garden land or pallet collar; parsley does not require much maintenance. Although, water as much as needed to keep the soil moist. If cultivating in a pot, you will need to water more often as the soil dries out more quickly.


2. How to grow parsley indoors

Parsley is an excellent herb to grow indoors in small pots or trays. This way, you will have fresh herbs to use in your cooking regardless of the season. Again, patience is required before the seeds germinate and you can harvest the plants. Light and nutrition are needed for the parsley to grow big and healthy. Preferably use grow lights, especially during the winter. 

Make sure you have enough soil for the plants to grow in, preferably allow at least 10 centimeters of depth in the pot, tray, or box that you are cultivating in.  

If cultivating indoors, keep in mind that the plants might not grow as big and lush as they would have grown outdoors. Indoor-cultivated parsley can often be harvested about two or three times before the plant has completed its lifecycle. 

3. How to grow parsley indoors without soil

An alternative to cultivating in soil, is hydroponic cultivation, meaning to cultivate in water, for example in hydroponic grow boxes. This method is especially practical since the parsley might grow a little faster in the beginning, compared to if grown in soil. After about 6-7 weeks you can start harvesting.


Which parsley variety to choose 

Now that you’ve decided how to grow parsley, it’s time to decide which variety you want to grow. Parsley can be divided into two groups: curly leaf or flat leaf. Further, there are several different varieties of these groups. The flat leaf parsley is usually considered spicier than the curly kinds. Although, access to sun, water, and nutrition play an important role in the development of flavor in the plants. 

How to harvest and store parsley

Harvest the parsley stalk by stalk - kind of the way you would pick flowers. This makes it easier for your parsley to re-grow.

The best option is to freeze parsley once harvested. Parsley can also be dried, although it loses some of its flavors that way. By storing your parsley in one of these ways, you always have delicious parsley to bring out for your dishes regardless of the season!

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