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Frisée / Endive

Frisée / Endive


Article number: 91227A1,25 € Incl VAT2,50 € Incl VAT
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Organic seeds. Frisée / Endive is a type of chicory with deliciously crinkled leaves. This is a nice variety with a well-filled rosette of leaves. Place a pot over the plant to blanch it for a milder flavour. Tolerates a lot of frost. Prefers humus-rich, well-drained soil that retains moisture.
  • Delivery time: 2-5 work days
  • Shipping cost: 2-5 €, depending on order weight
  • VAT is included for consumers. VAT is excluded for companies

Sufficient for
70 plants
Plant placement
Sun/half shade
Plant spacing
20-30 cm
Row spacing
20-30 cm
Sowing depth
1 cm
March - May
Direct seed
April - July
Harvest time
June - October
Sow in plug flats in batches, 3-4 wks before planting outside. Place in a cool area and keep moist.
Sow as soon as the soil is workable. Level soil, water before sowing. Lettuce germinates badly in high heat, water seeds with ice-cold water in summer. Keep seeds moist until they germinate.
