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Grandiflora Evening Primrose

Grandiflora Evening Primrose

Article number: 94220A2,25 € Incl VAT4,50 € Incl VAT
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Low creeping perennial producing lots of large, yellow, funnel-shaped flowers that contrast nicely with the dark green leaves. Perfect for rockeries/slopes/front of flower beds. Usually flowers the year after sowing, but flowers in the 1st year if sown in early spring. Best grown in well-drained soil.
  • Delivery time: 2-5 work days
  • Shipping cost: 2-5 €, depending on order weight
  • VAT is included for consumers. VAT is excluded for companies

Latin name
Oenothera macrocarpa
Plant height
15 cm
Life span
Multiple years
Pre-cultivation/Direct sown
Sufficient for
2 m
Plant placement
Plant spacing
30 cm
Row spacing
30 cm
Sowing depth
1-2 cm
February - April
Direct seed
May - July
Harvest time
June - September
Sow 2-3 seeds/pot in seed compost. Place in a bright area. Keep moist until the seeds germinate. Conserve 1 plant/plant. Water and fertilise once shoots appear. Place in a bright, cool area. Transplant outside after the last frost.
Level soil, water before sowing. Keep seeds moist until germination.