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China Aster, Princess

China Aster, Princess

'Princess' mix

Article number: 93162A1,25 € Incl VAT2,50 € Incl VAT
In stock
Common variety with large double flowers in mixed colours. Long-lasting in flower beds and as a cut flower. Cut back spent blooms frequently. Thrives in well-fertilised, well-drained soil. Water well. Change cultivation site every year to avoid fungal infestation.
  • Delivery time: 2-5 work days
  • Shipping cost: 2-5 €, depending on order weight
  • VAT is included for consumers. VAT is excluded for companies

Latin name
Callistephus chinensis
Plant height
70 cm
Life span
1 year
Pre-cultivation/Direct sown
Sufficient for
5 m
Plant placement
Plant spacing
25 cm
Row spacing
40 cm
Sowing depth
0,5 cm
February - April
Direct seed
April - May
Harvest time
July - October
Sow sparsely in damp seed compost. Cover lightly with compost/vermiculite. Grow at 18-22°C. After emerging, place in a bright, cool area. When plants can be handled transplant 1/pot of fertilised plant soil.
Level the soil and water before sowing. Keep seeds moist until they germinate.