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Stevia / Candyleaf

Stevia / Candyleaf


Article number: 91510A1,50 € Incl VAT3 € Incl VAT
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Decorative leafy plant originating in South America that can be grown indoors or outdoors in pots. The small leaves are used as a natural sweetener and are said to be about 300 times sweeter than sugar. Thrives in soil that is well drained and not too nutritious. Can be overwintered in a bright and cool place.
  • Delivery time: 2-5 work days
  • Shipping cost: 2-5 €, depending on order weight
  • VAT is included for consumers. VAT is excluded for companies

Sufficient for
10-14 plants
Plant placement
Sun/half shade
Plant spacing
30 cm
Row spacing
30 cm
Sowing depth
0-0,2 cm
February - April
Harvest time
June - October
Sow sparsely in damp seed compost. Do not cover with compost. Keep moist. Place the seedling at a temperature of approx. 18-20°C. Germinates in about 1-3 weeks. After germination place in a bright cool area. Transplant 1 plant/pot when they are big enough to handle. Use extra lighting in darker months.
