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Sweet pepper

Sweet pepper

'Snacking Purple'

Article number: 90865A2,75 € Incl VAT5,50 € Incl VAT
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Snacking Purple is a pretty sweet pepper variety that produces small, sweet purple fruits. Its handy size makes it perfect for growing in pots, making a colorful addition to your garden.
  • Delivery time: 2-5 work days
  • Shipping cost: 2-5 €, depending on order weight
  • VAT is included for consumers. VAT is excluded for companies

The name of this variety, Snacking Purple, comes from its handy snack size and beautiful color. Snacking Purple produces small, sweet purple fruits which makes a colorful addition to any garden or meal. The fruits grow in a homogeneous shape which creates an open seed cavity. Sweet peppers like this are delicious and versatile vegetables that can be served in many ways; raw, cooked, barbecued, roasted, or stuffed. The Snacking Purple sweet pepper is perfectly suited for growing in pots. It also grows well without trimming. This variety prefers to be cultivated in a sheltered, warm area, such as a terrace, balcony, or in a greenhouse. Make sure to spray the plant often to prevent pests.
Sufficient for
3 plants
Plant placement
Plant spacing
40 cm
Row spacing
40 cm
Sowing depth
0,5 cm
January - March
Harvest time
July - October

Sow in damp seed compost and keep moist, preferably by covering with plastic or use a mini greenhouse. Place your cultivation in a warm area for sprouting, at a temperature of +20°C. Once shoots appear, place them in a bright, cooler area and use additional lighting in darker months. When the plants can be handled, they are ready to transplant. Put 1 plant per pot of fertilised soil and prune when 15 cm tall.

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