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Article number: 91521A1,50 € Incl VAT3 € Incl VAT
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Growing Thyme, the evergreen herb with aromatic leaves, is easy and can be done both outdoors and indoors. Enjoy thyme fresh or dried in a variety of meals.
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Thyme is the evergreen herb with small, aromatic leaves. The leaves are a popular ingredient and are often used fresh or dried when cooking. Before drying the herb, make sure to harvest the entire plant before it blooms. Thyme has pretty flowers that shift between pink and purple, and attract bees and other insects. The herb withstands drought which makes it possible to grow on slightly inclined ground, walls and stone sections.
Sufficient for
30 plants
Plant placement
Plant spacing
20 cm
Row spacing
20 cm
Sowing depth
0,2 cm
March - April
Direct seed
April - May
Harvest time
July - September

Get started by sowing the seeds sparsely on damp soil. For best results, provide the plant with enough water to keep the soil moist and place it in a bright area at room temperature. When the plant has sprouted, replant it in a bigger pot with sand-mixed soil and place it in a bright and cool area.

Water the rows before sowing, and sow shallow. Make sure to keep seeds moist.

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