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Trailing Lobelia

Trailing Lobelia


Article number: 93974A1,50 € Incl VAT3 € Incl VAT
In stock
Pretty trailing variety with light green foliage and bright blue flowers with a white eye. Perfect in balcony boxes/urns/pots or as a border plant. Thrives in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Water and fertilise regularly.
  • Delivery time: 2-5 work days
  • Shipping cost: 2-5 €, depending on order weight
  • VAT is included for consumers. VAT is excluded for companies

Latin name
Lobelia erinus
Plant height
5-10 cm
Life span
1 year
Sufficient for
200-250 plants
Plant placement
Sun/half shade
Plant spacing
15 cm
Row spacing
15 cm
Sowing depth
0 cm
February - April
Harvest time
June - September
Very small seeds. Sow 10-12 seeds in final pot. Fill the pot with 2/3 fertilised flower compost and top with 1/3 seed compost. Photoblastic, do not cover the seeds. Cover with plastic/fibre cloth, keep moist. Place in a bright area at 20-24°C. Remove the plastic after germination and place in a bright, cool area. Provide extra lighting in darker months. Transplant outside after frost.